JM Nutrition

Popular Diets Reviewed by Dietitians and Nutritionists

Popular Diets Reviewed by Dietitians and Nutritionists

By: Julie Mancuso, founder of JM Nutrition, registered dietitians and nutritionists at JM Nutrition. Learn more about our team.   In this post:   Why do people diet? Keto Diet review Paleo Diet review Atkins Diet review Anti-inflammatory diets (Mediterranean & DASH) reviews Intermittent fasting review   Many popular diets exist today. Some...

Middle Eastern couple looking at how to save money on groceries

How To Save Money On Groceries: A Comprehensive Guide

By: Tiffany Thai, BSc, MPH, RD, Julie Mancuso, founder of JM Nutrition, JM Nutrition team   In this post: Tips and strategies that show how to save money on groceries Selecting where and how to do groceries to save money How to grocery shop on a budget What you...

Cortisol Lowering Foods and Supplements For Stress Management

Cortisol Lowering Foods and Supplements For Stress Management

By: Maude Morin, BSN, MAN, RD (Registered Dietitian), JM Nutrition team   In this post: Overview of cortisol and stress Diet and cortisol connection Foods that increase cortisol Cortisol lowering foods that reduce stress Stress and mood connection Supplements that relieve stress Meals for stress relief   Before we take a look...

Why is Drinking Water Important and How Much Water Should You Drink

Why is Drinking Water Important and How Much Water Should You Drink

By: Julie Mancuso, founder of JM Nutrition, team of registered dietitians and nutritionists at JM Nutrition, Ahsan Zaman, Public Health Consultant. Learn about our team   In this post: Why is drinking water important? Benefits of drinking water Dehydration symptoms How much water should you drink? Factors that affect water consumption   Why...

Do Meal Plans Work? Dietitians and Nutritionists Weigh In

Do Meal Plans Work? Dietitians and Nutritionists Weigh In

By: Julie Mancuso, founder of JM Nutrition, registered dietitians and nutritionists at JM Nutrition. Learn about our team.   In this post: What is a meal plan? What is meal planning? Meal plan benefits Drawbacks associated with meal plans Do meal plans work? The verdict   Do meal plans work? That depends on...

Plant-Based and Vegan Snacks

Plant-Based and Vegan Snacks You Can Buy

By: Julie Mancuso, owner of JM Nutrition, registered dietitians and nutritionists at JM Nutrition, Ahsan Zaman, public health consultant. Learn more about JM Nutrition.   Are you looking for plant-based or vegan snacks and need a fresh pair of eyes to give you some new ideas? Look no further! Our team of registered...

Strength Training Diet Myths and Misconceptions

Strength Training Diet Myths and Misconceptions

By: Kyle Butler, BSc, RD, Sports Dietitian, Registered Dietitians & Sports Nutritionists at JM Nutrition, About JM Nutrition   Strength training diet is an often talked about topic in the world of athletics. Specifically, there's a great deal of discussion about strength training diet myths and misconceptions. Because of this popularity, and...

Healthy bowl in one of the best healthy restaurants in Toronto

Best Healthy Restaurants in Toronto

By: Julie Mancuso, founder of JM Nutrition, registered dietitians and nutritionists at JM Nutrition, Ahsan Zaman, public health consultant. Learn about JM Nutrition's practitioners. Updated April 2024   What are the best healthy restaurants in Toronto? As the founder of a Toronto nutritional counselling service, I have been asked so many times over...

pensive woman staring at pasta dish wondering "do I have a healthy relationship with food?"

Do I Have A Healthy Relationship With Food?

By: Julie Mancuso, founder of JM Nutrition, Nataly Georgieva, RD, MScFN, registered dietitian specializing in support for eating disorders, our team   The question “Do I have a healthy relationship with food?” can be difficult to answer. There is a multitude of factors to consider, when trying to determine if a person...

How To Meal Prep 32 Meal Prepping Tips & Strategies

32 Meal Prepping Tips and Strategies

By: Julie Mancuso, founder of JM Nutrition, registered dietitians and nutritionists: our team, Sarah Jabeen, MD   Prepping meals is no easy feat, at least at first. For this reason our team of dietitians and nutritionists compiled a comprehensive list of ‘how to meal prep’ tips and strategies aimed at making meal...