PCOS Support

PCOS Dietitian and Nutritionist 

Registered dietitian and nutritionist for PCOS assists women with the management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and related women’s health concerns through nutritional interventions and a personalized diet plan.

PCOS dietitian and nutritionist

Can a dietitian and nutritionist help with PCOS?


Yes, a qualified registered dietitian and nutritionist can help manage PCOS symptoms with various dietary interventions and an individualized meal guide geared towards the condition.


How can a dietitian and nutritionist help with PCOS?


A dietitian and nutritionist for PCOS can provide support to help manage the hormonal disorder by helping you implement lifestyle changes and home remedies. These include:

  • Provide general healthy eating advice aimed at developing healthier eating habits.
  • Lay out guidelines specifically for sustained, healthy weight management, which is instrumental in the management of PCOS.
  • Work with a weight loss nutritionist & dietitian on an ongoing basis to help maintain a healthy weight.
  • Help reduce inflammation in your body by providing guidance around pro-inflammatory foods, as well as those that can help fight inflammation.
  • Prepare a personalized wholesome, nutritionally-balanced PCOS meal plan.
  • Assist in balancing blood sugar and insulin levels.
  • Equip you with specific low-carb food products, including brand names.
  • Meal planning to incorporate foods that have a low glycemic index, along with healthy fats and lean protein.
  • Reveal healthier food substitutions for your favourite ‘challenging’ foods.
  • Help address other co-existing women’s health concerns
  • Dietary management of PCOS prior to conception. Visit: Pregnancy dietitian and nutritionist
  • Provide nutritional guidance to help reduce long-term complications associated with PCOS (dietitian diabetes, heart health dietitian)
  • Breaking the cycle of restricting food and bingeing, which can make PCOS symptoms worse.
  • Receive the counsel of a nutritionist for athletes to help guide your nutrition around physical activity.
  • Pick the brain of a nutritionist and dietitian for PCOS.
  • And more.

PCOS Nutrition: Related Services

In-Person Appointments

Our PCOS dietitian and nutritionist services clients in-person from several locations.  Dietitian & nutritionist Toronto, Dietitian Scarborough, Dietitian Mississauga, Dietitian Ottawa, Dietitian Hamilton, Nutritionist Vancouver and Dietitian Halifax.

Contact us for a no-obligation phone consultation during which we can:

✓  outline how working with a nutritionist and dietitian looks like

✓  discuss your needs and goal(s)

✓  explain how billing and pricing work

✓  address concerns about insurance, if any

✓  answer any other questions

Also Available For Virtual Counselling

In addition to servicing clients in-person, most of our clients seek the counsel of our dietitians and nutritionists who focus on nutritional interventions for PCOS virtually.

Our online dietitian and nutritionist team conducts sessions by phone or video-conferencing platforms. We service clients from across Canada.

Visit the below pages to see how we can help and which practitioner:

AB: registered dietitian Calgary, dietitian Edmonton

SK: dietitian Saskatoon, dietitian Regina

MB: registered dietitian Winnipeg

QC: dietitian Montreal

NB: dietitian Fredericton, dietitian Moncton, dietitian Saint John

PEI: dietitian Charlottetown

NL: dietitian St. John’s

How much does it cost to work with a PCOS nutritionist and dietitian?

Dietitian Recommended PCOS Nutrition Resources

In addition to working with our dietitian and nutritionist for PCOS, and because we strongly believe in the educational component, we compiled these valuable resources pertaining to PCOS to help maximize the chances of successful management.

Women’s Health Related Blog Posts

To help effectively manage PCOS, or at least maximize the chances of doing so, it is  it is important to become informed and equip yourself with strategies aimed at alleviating many of the unpleasant symptoms.

This should be done in conjunction with your doctor and a PCOS nutritionist and dietitian.

As such, we encourage you to take a look at popular nutrition blog posts that touch upon a wide range of women’s health and nutrition concerns.