
JM Nutrition Reviews

Top service, value & glowing reviews

For 15+ years, JM Nutrition and its team of practitioners have received positive reviews from many happy clients across Canada.

Reason being, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional service and excellent value, helping thousands of clients reach their nutrition, health, wellness and fitness goals. We accomplish this with both, our on-site nutritional counselling as well as telehealth sessions with dietitian and nutritionist online.

What Our Clients Say

  • I recently had my initial session at Julie M Nutrition with Stephanie and I couldn’t be happier with how it went. Stephanie was incredibly informative taking the time to explain the whole process in detail which made me feel completely at ease. She created a comfortable welcoming environment and w... Read More
  • I had the pleasure of working with Natalie Fraser, and she has transformed my approach to food and nutrition. She taught me so much about different food choices and created a meal plan that was catered to my specific needs and goals. The weekly meal plan she provided was incredibly detailed, includi... Read More
  • Vanessa has been a great help with my nutrition. She finds recipes that I use, teaches me what to look for in food labels and gives me encouragement. Plus she offers healthy substitutions for snacks and meals. In addition, she is someone who I am accountable to and that helps me select my snacks ... Read More

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Case Studies

As an alternative to reviews, you can learn more about the many successes of JM Nutrition clients and read their stories, by taking a look at the case studies below.

Case Study: Breakfast changed my life!

Some time ago, I received an email from a JM Nutrition client who was astounded to discover that on account of the suggested breakfast options given to him during nutrition coaching sessions with one of our practitioners–which he had swiftly implemented soon after the session–he wasn’t feeling hungry until about 2 p.m. In addition, and much to his surprise, he didn’t feel like reaching for a snack at work anymore or napping in the middle of the day. Digestive health was better, too, he continued. He experienced weight loss as well. It just goes to show that even small  and seemingly insignificant changes to your eating habits can have a big impact on how you feel.

Case Study 2: Does nutrition affect sleep?

A few recent JM Nutrition clients each made a few simple adjustments to their eating habits, namely reducing the consumption of sugar, not eating right before going to sleep, avoiding certain foods while eating others, along with a few other minor tweaks, and soon discovered that the quality and/or length of uninterrupted sleep improved. Doing so naturally should always be the first course of action because in most cases it’s the best course of action. Healthy dietary habits cannot be overlooked when trying to get to the root of many ailments, including improved sleep quality. You can read about their stories in the reviews they have left us.

Case Study 3: Say goodbye to acid reflux

Despite the fact that people frequently resort to taking medication for acid reflux and to help manage heartburn, an adjustment to the diet should be seriously considered as the first course of action instead. After a few tweaks to the eating habits, a large number of our clients continue to manage to significantly reduce the unpleasant symptoms associated with acid reflux. Some clients were even able to eliminate them altogether. When dealing with many ailments or when managing various symptoms, it is wise to start with a close look at the diet because in many cases it just may be the only thing you need to improve the current situation.

Case Study 4: Family time!

Over the years we have had many clients reach out to our practitioners seeking help for themselves and/or their families. In recent months, we have had an increasing number of clients looking for nutritional counselling for children. After reading several of our reviews, one client decided to contact us to help her two young athlete boys establish healthier eating habits. Interestingly, following the initial session with our family dietitian and sports nutritionist, the client decided that she and her husband would join the children in engaging our dietitian to help the whole family make positive nutrition and lifestyle changes. And so they did with great success! We commend any family who wishes to prioritize the health of their children and their families as the aforementioned family did. After all, we all want our children to grow up into healthy and robust adults.

Case Study 5: Nutrition and skin health

More and more people are beginning to realize that the foods we regularly consume are directly related to a whole host of health problems and conditions. A case in point is nutrition and skin health. After several nutritional interventions and the recommendations of a number of specific natural facial products, a recent client of JM Nutrition concluded that the acne outbreaks were an internal rather than external issue. Following these suggestions and with some additional nutritional advice, the client noticed significant improvement in overall skin health and the reduction of the severity of acne outbreaks just weeks after changing her diet and adapting a new meal plan. Personalized interventions provided by an acne nutritionist and specific adjustments to eating habits geared towards the given condition can often prove very helpful in managing various unpleasant symptoms.

Case Study 6: Keep it simple

As one of our clients mentioned in a review during the lockdown, you don’t have to enjoy cooking to be able to improve your eating habits and make substantial changes. Some people like things simple and realistic. Convenience also plays a large part to be able to follow through. To make changes achievable and sustainable, ensuring the goals are reached, these boxes have to be checked off–especially for those who do not enjoy cooking at home. For this exact reason, our nutrition consultants personalize our meal plans and the nutritional counselling approach to meet the specific goals and lifestyle of the client. We follow this up with intermittent check-in sessions to monitor progress and tweak things as needed. This approach has worked for this client and, over the years, thousands of others.