Osteoporosis Management

Osteoporosis Dietitian and Nutritionist for Optimal Bone Health

Our dietitian and nutritionist offer nutritional therapy for osteoporosis with a personalized diet plan and supportive nutritional counselling sessions for optimal bone health.

Dietitian and Nutritionist for Osteoporosis Management, Support and Diet Plan JM Nutrition

Can a dietitian help osteoporosis?


Yes, a registered dietitian can help manage osteoporosis with personalized nutritional interventions and a meal plan to help improve overall bone health.


How Can a Dietitian and Nutritionist For Osteoporosis Help

A dietitian and nutritionist can help manage osteoporosis and overall bone health in the following ways:

  • Have your diet thoroughly assessed by an osteoporosis dietitian.
  • Receive feedback about your current diet and areas for improvement.
  • Discuss what foods to eat and what foods to avoid for osteoporosis and bone health in general.
  • Create a personalized osteoporosis diet pan based on foods you enjoy, your lifestyle, budget, sensitivities and allergies, other restrictions, and more.
  • Ensure the foods in your meal plan include adequate calcium intake on a daily basis that’s necessary to maintain bone health.
  • For those who are lactose-intolerant or who have an allergy, suggest calcium-rich alternatives to ensure the recommended daily intake.
  • Outline which food sources that list calcium as a nutrient are not absorbed by the body.
  • Discuss the role of Vitamin D, protein and more in the management of osteoporosis.
  • Provide osteoporosis diet recipes that help bone health.
  • Conduct nutritional counselling sessions for osteoporosis support and to tweak the diet plan, if needed.
  • Address other or co-existing dietary and health conditions, nutritional goals and needs.
  • Pick the brain of an osteoporosis dietitian for matters pertaining to bone health or other non-related concerns.
  • And more.

Other & Related Services

Learn more about our registered dietitians and nutritionists who work with clients for the management of osteoporosis and improved bone health.

Interested in an Osteoporosis and Bone Health Diet Plan?

Learn more about our personalized meal plans.

Contact us for a no-obligation phone consultation during which we can:

✓  outline how the process looks like

✓  discuss your goals and concerns 

✓  explain how billing and pricing work

✓  address concerns about insurance, if any

✓  answer any other questions

For questions or to book an appointment, get in touch:

Contact Us

How much does it cost to work with our nutritionist and dietitian for bone health?

Dietitian Recommended Osteoporosis Support Resources

As always, in addition to working with our dietitian and nutritionist for osteoporosis treatment, we encourage you to take a look at the below resources.